Important Aspects to Know When You File for Bankruptcy
Although in most cases getting some loan is an easy task once you meet all the requirements, paying back the debt may be a big problem to some. The most commonly asked question by most debtors who have a hard time settling the debts is what next for them. Although bankruptcy can be termed as a misfortune and nobody ever wishes to find themselves in such a situation, it is a reality that has already hit the world and the best option is to know what is important for should you find yourself here. Read more here now to get more info about what happens when you file for bankruptcy.
To begin with, you need to know how it all happens in court. Those who play the role of making the decision are the judge and the trustee who is hired for the case. The decision on whether you are eligible for bankruptcy is made after both the judge and the trustee have reviewed information to declare you bankrupt or not.
Another important point for you to note is the fact that we have very many types of bankruptcy. Whereas chapter 7 is the most common type of bankruptcy, we also have others like chapter 11, chapter 12 and chapter 13. You should also know that chapter 12 is occupation-based occupation-based as explained on this page. You will also get to know that most of the debts in chapter 7 are forgiven and it also entails the risk of having to sell some of your assets to clear part of the debts.
You should always consider this task demanding when it comes to the time as well as expenses. One of the things that you must always be ready for is to meet the credit counselor for bankruptcy and debt and also assembling all the important information for the process. You should also be at the frontline to show the court that you have made the best effort you could in an attempt to fix the situation.
Your financial situation is the next greatest tool for the court before a decision is made. The key participants in looking at your financial statements are the lawyer, the trustee and the creditor. You need to note that this process lasts for a long time and can take up to 6 months Above are the important things to know when filing for bankruptcy.